What is Quantum Physics?
Quantum physics is the study of matter and energy at the most fundamental level. It aims to uncover the properties and behaviors of the very building blocks of nature (which includes our bodies). Quantum phenomena are all around us acting on every scale.
Quantum mechanics, which studies matter in its smallest form, finds that everything is broken down not into mass, but into energy, where matter is seen as a slowed-down version of energy. In 1920, Neils Bohr, a Danish physicist, developed the Copenhagen Interpretation. It shows us that a quantum particle doesn’t exist in a state (wave or particle), but in all of its possible states at once. The “observer effect” finds that when a particle is observed, the particle is forced to choose one probability.
Quantum entanglement is at the heart of quantum physics. Like other aspects of quantum science, the phenomenon of entanglement reveals itself at tiny, subatomic scales. When two particles become entangled they remain connected even when separated by vast distances. This means they share a common, unified quantum state. The power of observation can change the entire entangled system.
How can working with the principles of quantum physics help me heal?
Since everything is comprised of this all-encompassing energy (One, God, Source, or whatever name you’d like to give it), a change anywhere in the system can have a powerful effect on our bodies, perceptions, behavior patterns, emotions, and relationships, just to name a few! By feeling for, observing, and working with disturbances in the body’s energetic field, changes can occur on many different levels.
The healing process is a personal journey that is unique to each individual. All emotions, thoughts, conditioned patterns (neuropathways), and physical blockages carry a specific energetic frequency. When these vibrations are lower than the natural vibration of the individuals energy field, various issues can arise. This work brings to awareness the areas where you may be holding these energetic imbalances and shifts them by being observed, felt, and released, by both myself and the client. The goal is to bring you back into a healthier state and empowering you to live the life you desire.
Everything is energy, that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.